Android Emulator For Big Sur

  1. Best Android Emulators for PC and Mac - allow users to access Android OS features into your PC, Mac or Mobile. So, you can enjoy Android apps and games.
  2. Download Gameloop android emulator for windows to run Tencent android games or android apps on desktop screen. Its free and safe to use.

Emulators are software packages that acts just like an android simulator on your PC. The basic function and purpose of the emulator is to provide a virtual Android device on your PC. Like as if you were running Android OS on your PC so that you can easily install and run android apps on PC. Mostly Android emulators are used by developers to test the basic functionality of the newly built apps.

Apart from that, even if you’re not an app developer you can still use it to install one of your favorite app on the PC. I have seen many people looking for ways to install install WhatsApp on PC, and games including subway surfers, SimCity Buildit, Pokemon GO and so on.

How To Install SmartGaGa Android Update Version,( No More Band Pubg Mobile ).Best PUBG Mobile Emulator for low spec PC best Android Emulator for FPS g.

This article will help to find the best emulator for PC and how to run the popular Android apps on your PC.

What is Android Emulator?

Android emulatorprovides you with a virtual environment on your PC, that works exactly like an android phone or tablet. This virtual machine or emulated android device can be used to install any android app, it almost looks like you’re running the app on a real Android device.

What are Best Emulators Available for Android?

There are many emulators for available PC. Before writing this post, I did complete research on the best and free emulators you can download with the best features and less system requirements that won’t slow down your system.

Here are the 2 best Android emulator for PC, whether it is Windows or Mac OS X.

1. BlueStacks

BlueStacks is one of the well-known android emulator for PC, and it works on both Windows ( Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP ) and Mac operating systems. You use BlueStacks to play your favorite android apps or games on PC.

Top features includes:

  • Supports multiple OS configurations.
  • User Friendly Interface
  • Supports Google Play Integrations

System requirements:

  • 2GB of RAM
  • 4GB free disk space
  • Directx 9.0 or higher installed .NET Framework 3.5 SP3

The main drawback of bluestacks is it requires a graphics card to run.

You can download BlueStacks Android emulator free using this – Link

2. Andy – Run Android Apps on PC

Andy is another android emulator for pc, that is available for windows. As compared to bluestacks, Andy has a lot of extra features.

Main features:

  • Up to date Android Operating System
  • Use your phone as controller
  • It Provides Full Android UI
  • The android os inside the android emulator can access the local file system. That is you can easily copy paste files between your android virtual device and your PC.

Andy does not have a hardware console as Bluestacks, and that is the only drawback of it. As compared to Bluestacks and other major emulator Andy is a bit fast but it is not widely recommended due to some reported malware issues.

Minimum system requirements:

  • Dual core AMD or Intel CPU with Virtualization support
  • 3Gb of RAM; Andy uses less than 1Gb while running apps
  • At least 10Gb of free disk space
  • GPU with OpenGL 2.1 support
  • Windows 7 SP1 / Windows 8.1 / Ubuntu 14.04+ / OSX 10.8+

Download Andy – The Free Android Emulator for PC – Link

Thanks for reading!

I hope by the end of this post, you’ve made your choice of best emulator. Let us know in the comment section which one is your favorite? If you found this article useful, please like & share it with your friends.

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are there any Wifi Enable Android mobile Emulator for PC.i want to run android device on pc and also it should be enable wifi.

You can use Genymotion. It use Virtualbox in backend. So you can modify properties of the VM in Virtualbox to connect it directly (bridge mode) to the hardware.

android imageView scale


Try this code. adjustViewBounds attribute makes the ImageView the same size as image that you put in it. <ImageView android:layout_width='wrap_content' android:layout_height='wrap_content' android:adjustViewBounds='true' /> If you need specific width or height change the wrap_content value....

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Try like this... public View getView(int poisition, View convertView , ViewGroup parent) { ViewHolder crimeHolder = null; //If we weren't given a view, inflate one if (convertView null) { convertView = getActivity().getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.list_item_crime, null); crimeHolder = new ViewHolder(); crimeHolder.titleTextView = (TextView)convertView.findViewById(; crimeHolder.dateTextView = (TextView)convertView.findViewById(; crimeHolder.solvedCheckBox =...

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Why i get can not resolve method error in class android?


You didn't create setName() method in Person class. public class Person { private String name; private String country; private String twitter; //getters & setters.... public void setName(String pName) { = pName; } public void getName() { return; } } ...

Notification whenever a new topic is created on mosquitto


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Flurry analytics crashlytics They will give you the logs and errors in production app..I think this will suits you well...

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Option A A base Activity class that implements the logic for the menu items - in this case all 30 of your Activities should extend the base Activity. This approach has the serious limitation that it forces you to extend a class even though you may need to extend another...

Facebook Android API asks for additional permission


Use the loginManager to add more permission. you can add it on click button or on create view or fragment LoginManager.getInstance().logInWithReadPermissions( fragmentOrActivity, Arrays.asList('user_friends')); You can also get AccessToken via following if needed after getting new permission AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken() ...

Android emulator for big sur pc

Keep HashMap with object data while app is idle - Android


May be the activity is again loading that is onCreate() is called. So save the state and restore it. Use onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState(). Let me know whether it worked or not.

List view not returning to original state after clearing search


You are operating on the original data instead of filtered data. You should maintain a reference to original data and use the filtered data for all other purposes. So that the original data is displayed when search is cleared. Replace all usages of mData with mFilteredData as below and only...

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You are being prompted for entering the pin because that is what you are requesting in your pairingIntent. Instead of using pairingIntent.putExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_PAIRING_VARIANT, BluetoothDevice.PAIRING_VARIANT_PIN); pairingIntent.putExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_PAIRING_KEY, 1234); Use pairingIntent.putExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_PAIRING_VARIANT, PAIRING_VARIANT_PASSKEY_CONFIRMATION); As mentioned here, The user will be prompted to confirm the passkey displayed on the screen or an app will confirm the...

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I have one way Create refresh method in your Adapter like public void refresh(ArrayList<Aviso> itemsw) { this.items = itemsw; notifyDataSetChanged(); } Now you just called this method from your Activity Aviso aviso = new Aviso(); aviso.setTitle('MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM'); aviso.setDescription('Deskribapena'); aviso.setPubDate('Wed, 19 Mar 2016 12:40:00 GMT'); aviso.setDcDate('2016-03-19T12:40:00Z'); avisosList.add(aviso); adapter.refresh(avisosList); EDIT: To add the...

Get current latitude and longitude android


See my post at The code you're using is just broken. It should never be used. The behavior you're seeing is one of the bugs- it doesn't handle the case of getLastLocation returning null, an expected failure. It was written by someone who kind of knew what he was...

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After the API 1.5.6 we have a different way to get the String bound. try this GlyphLayout layout = new GlyphLayout(); layout.setText(bitmapFont,'text'); float width = layout.width; float height = layout.height; and it's not recommended to create new GlyphLayout on each frame, create once and use it. ...

custom arraylist get distinct


It's not possible to do this using only the ArrayList. Either implement your own method which can be as simple as: private List<mystatistik> getAllUniqueEnemies(List<mystatistik> list){ List<mystatistik> uniqueList = new ArrayList<mystatistik>(); List<String> enemyIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (mystatistik entry : list){ if (!enemyIds.contains(entry.getEnemyId())){ enemyIds.add(entry.getEnemyId()); uniqueList.add(entry); } } return uniqueList; } Or...

why is Android app publishing taking several days [on hold]


here is detail provided by the google and for more details Android application approval process in playstore ...

Android Emulator For Big Sur Online

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Use a service like: public class FirstService extends Service { private AudioManager audioManager; @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) { return null; } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); audioManager.setSpeakerphoneOn(false); //Turn of speaker } } public void onDestroy () Added in API level 1 Called by the system to notify a...

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Before the official support library came out I ported the FAB over. There is now a Xamarin.Forms sample in my GitHub repo that you can use:

Action Bar activity is closed


Nag and Maisse already provided you proper answers but if these answers not working try this. Check in style.xml to know which theme are you using for your activity. <!-- Base application theme. --> <style name='AppTheme' parent='android:Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar'> <!-- Customize your theme here. --> </style> to <!-- Base application theme. -->...

Passing dynamic string resource to “setText()”

Try like this: Create a global variable like: private String name; then in 'onCreateViewHolder' write like this: name= parent.getResources().getString(R.string.mac); now, in 'onBindViewHolder' write like this: + data.macAddress); ...

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Your understanding is correct. The named scopes allow you to communicate intention, but they all work the same way. For scoped provider methods, each Component instance will create 1 instance of the provided object. For unscoped provider methods, each Component instance will create a new instance of the provided object...

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You don't want to use it from assets, even if you could, because assets is a compressed read only file, part of your installation. You can't write updates into it, which kills 90% of database use. And its inefficient for reading as its zipped up. So you really do need...

Robolectric 3 : Load test specific resource


Instead of putting the json in src/test/res/raw you might want to put it in src/test/resources/ and then you can use it ( with the latest build plugin and latest AS ) via getResource Be aware that there is a bug in older versions - you need to use AS from...

Android programming, draw a rectangle with specific coordinates canvas.drawColor(Color.CYAN); Paint p = new Paint(); // smooths p.setAntiAlias(true); p.setColor(Color.RED); p.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); p.setStrokeWidth(4.5f); canvas.drawRect(10, 10, 30, 30, p); ...

Action view intent does not work


Intent action names are case sensitive. Use this: android.intent.action.VIEW ...

Android String if-statement


Correct me if I'm wrong. If you're saying that your code looks like this: new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // thread code if (ready.equals('yes')) { // handler code } // more thread code }).start(); // later on... ready = 'yes'; And you're asking why ready = 'yes'...

error: cannot find symbol class AsyncCallWS Android


On the link you post, I see a class like below. Create this class in your project before using it. private class AsyncCallWS extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Void> { @Override protected Void doInBackground(String... params) { Log.i(TAG, 'doInBackground'); getFahrenheit(celcius); return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Void result) { Log.i(TAG, 'onPostExecute'); tv.setText(fahren +...

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override onCreate in your Service, and put the initialization of mGoogleApiClient in it private GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient; public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this) .addApi(Wearable.API) .build(); } ...

Android Implicit Intent for Viewing a Video File


Change your onClick method to below code. You should give the option to choose the external player. @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse(''), 'video/*'); startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, 'Complete action using')); } ...

Android SQLite: Fast insert/update


What would be a correct way for overwriting existing row? Specify a conflict resolution strategy, such as INSERT OR REPLACE INTO foo ... If the insert would result in a conflict, the conflicting row(s) are first deleted and then the new row is inserted....

how does android ImageView resize my image?

I'm not sure what are you trying to do, are you trying to have the imageview to adapt to your image's size or are you trying to have your image view at a fixed size? When the image is shown on a xhdpi screen will the image be scaled to...

Blank screen on GridView


I executed ur code. Just add numberView.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); and it will work! :)...

Android Espresso: Test running failed. No test results Empty test suite. Why?


Note that you are using the deprecated ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 and that TestCases like ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 or ServiceTestCase are deprecated in favor of ActivityTestRule or ServiceTestRule. So try switchwing to using the rules, which is actually pretty straightforward. Also, be sure to use the correct annotations. Check my other answer here to get...

echo json_encode after mysql_query failure


Android emulator for big sur windows 10

You can use an if on the result. If mysql_query() fails it returns false: $result = mysql_query(/*the query*/); if(!$result){ //Do stuff here, the query failed //json_encode() } else { //Query succeeded } Sidenote: mysql_* is deprecated, I highly recommend to switch to mysqli_* or PDO...


Twitter4j - cannot resolve method - setUsessl(boolean)


Try to use the following configuration: ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder(); cb.setOAuthAuthenticationURL(''); cb.setOAuthAccessTokenURL(''); cb.setOAuthAuthorizationURL(''); cb.setOAuthRequestTokenURL(''); cb.setRestBaseURL(''); cb.setOAuthConsumerKey(consumerKey);...

Unfortunately, (My app) has stopped. Eclipse Android [duplicate]


In your at line no 34 you are trying to initialize some widget that is not present in your xml layout which you have set it in your setContentView(R.layout.... That;s why you are geting nullpointerexception. EDIT: change your setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) to setContentView(R.layout.fragment_main)...

Can I install 2 or more Android SDK when using Eclipse


There shouldn't be any problem if you use the latest SDK version ; actually, this is recommended. However, make sure to set the correct 'Target SDK', i.e. the highest android version you have successfully tested your app with, and the 'Minimum Required SDK' as well....

Android set clickable text to go one fragment to another fragment


Android Emulator For Big Sur Windows 10

If LoginActivity is a fragment class then it would be okay is you use setOnClickListener on textview. But for fragment change you have to change Intent to fragmentTransaction, Use something like, textview.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, new LoginActivity() ).addToBackStack(').commit(); }); But, if you want to...

Android custom calendar view disable specific dates


Include CalendarPickerView in your layout XML. <com.squareup.timessquare.CalendarPickerView android:id='@+id/calendar_view' android:layout_width='match_parent' android:layout_height='match_parent' /> In the onCreate of your activity/dialog or the onCreateView of your fragment, initialize the view with a range of valid dates as well as the currently selected date. Calendar nextYear = Calendar.getInstance(); nextYear.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1); CalendarPickerView calendar = (CalendarPickerView) findViewById(;...

Contexts and callbacks from asynchronous tasks


getActivity() returning null is a perfectly valid scenario which you should expect as well. This happens because by creating anonymous Handler in your onCreateView you're referencing Fragment which was already detached from Activity (therefore getActivity() returns null). Same goes for your AsyncTask - if you're creating it as an anonymous...

Error:(12) No resource identifier found for attribute 'scalteType' in package 'android'

Android Emulator For Big Sur


All the information you need is right here, before your eyes. No resource identifier found for attribute 'scalteType' in package 'android' There is no attribute called 'scalteType' in ImageView. Find it in the layout file 'main.xml' and change to 'scaleType'....

Add a ListView or RecyclerView to new NavigationView


You can just nest the ListView or RecyclerView inside the NavigationView. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> < android:id='@+id/drawer_layout' xmlns:android='' xmlns:app='' xmlns:tools='' android:layout_width='match_parent' android:layout_height='match_parent' android:fitsSystemWindows='true' tools:context='.MainActivity'> <FrameLayout...

How to resolve Out of Memory Error on Bitmap in Android?


use following method..... **************************************************** Bitmap bm = ShrinkBitmap(imagefile, 300, 300); image.setImageBitmap(bm); Bitmap ShrinkBitmap(String file, int width, int height) { BitmapFactory.Options bmpFactoryOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options(); bmpFactoryOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true; Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file, bmpFactoryOptions); int heightRatio =(int)Math.ceil(bmpFactoryOptions.outHeight/(float)height); int widthRatio =...


Set value for Spinner with custom Adapter in Android


@Haresh Chhelana example is good, However if you want to show both name and code in spinner after selecting, check this out. List<Map<String, String>> items = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); for (int i = 0; i < JA.length(); i++) { json = JA.getJSONObject(i); mapData = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapData.put('name', json.getString('Name')); mapData.put('code',...

Crop does not work for gallery images

Android Emulator For Big Sur


Try this Working code Buttonclick to take camera; Add this inside Oncreate() captureImageInitialization(); try this it will work // for camera private void captureImageInitialization() { try { /** * a selector dialog to display two image source options, from * camera ‘Take from camera’ and from existing files ‘Select...

Android Studio Emulator Big Sur

How to restrict file copying shared using Content Provider in Android?

Android Emulator For Big Sur Minecraft


No, sorry. If you hand bytes over to a third-party app, that third-party app can do what it wants with those bytes. So only solution is to use some in-app pdf reader right? This will not completely stop people from copying your PDFs. However, it will limit attacks to those...